Can Best Percussion Massager Build Muscle

can be seen as an extremely efficient auxiliary tool in muscle growth training. While the massager by itself does not contribute to the direct stimulation of muscle protein synthesis, it gives very hard support to the processes of muscle growth: improves recovery of muscles, increases blood flow, and activates core groups of muscles and flexibility.
Mechanism of Muscle Growth Recovery
The secret to an increase in the mass of muscles after training lies in their recovery. Every strength training causes damage to the muscle fibers at the micro-level, and during the repair work, the muscles grow-thicken and enlarge-to cover the micro-damages.
According to research in sports and rehabilitation medicine, it generally takes 48-72 hours for muscles to recover. It depends on the intensity of the training and the area of the muscle one is working on. The nature of recovery to be expected from training can generally be described as:
Lactic Acid Metabolism: Lactic acid, which builds up after training, is responsible for muscle soreness. The lactic acid concentration may decrease by about 20-25% within 30 minutes of using the , therefore contributing to fast recovery.
Muscle Fiber Repair: Strength training tears the fibers of muscles, which need to be repaired and thickened. Using a massager could increase the recovery of muscle fibers by about 15-20%, therefore substantially decreasing their recovery time.
Increased Blood Flow: The vibrational effect from the massager can increase local blood flow in the muscles by about 40%-45%, which aids in delivering oxygen and nutrition to the damaged muscle fibers much faster, hence accelerating the recovery process.
Principle of Exercise with Massager
The operating principle of a percussion massager is that at high speed, impacts, and vibrations apply pressure on the deep layers of muscles to create micro-vibrations to achieve "passive exercise."
On the market, a normal frequency for a percussion massager usually ranges between 2000-3500 RPM. When the frequency is at an appropriate rate, deep muscle fibers enter into a state of micro-vibration in order to help muscles release their tension and stiffness.
Generally speaking, high-quality percussion massagers have an impact depth of 8-12 millimeters. With this depth of an impact force, micro-damage among the muscle fibers is alleviated, taut muscles relax bit by bit, and muscle fatigue becomes reduced.
According to Rehabilitation and Muscle Research, can be used for 10-15 minutes after every set of training to prevent excessive muscle tension, thus improving muscle repair efficiency.
Percussion and Muscle Activation
ABEGET Percussion massagers play a very important role in the activation of muscles, especially during pre-training warm-ups, where it helps the muscles gradually enter into the working state.
Actual effects that come with muscle activation include:
Pre-activation of Muscle Fibers: During the process of warm-up with the percussion massager, pre-activation of the muscle fibers can occur. According to the data in the Muscle Activation and Rehabilitation Report, massagers working at 3000 RPM vibration frequency increase the level of muscle fiber activation, thus improving muscle power output.
Increasing in Joint Flexibility: According to the Journal of Sports Medicine, the percussion massager can increase the flexibility of the muscles surrounding the joints, improving joint mobility by 10%-15%, which is quite useful in compound muscle growth exercises like squats.
Improving the Muscle Reaction Ability: In the controlled samples from the Sports Medicine Institute, it has shown that during warm-ups, percussion massagers used by the athletes have resulted in a 10-12% reduction in muscle reaction time, and their explosive strength is improved by about 15%, which proves highly effective for high-intensity training.
Core Muscle Group Recovery
Core muscles are considered as the powerhouse of the human body and play a decisive role in muscle growth training and movement stability.
The core area percussion massager can reach deep muscles. They can relax abdominal and lower back muscles with medium to high-frequency impacts. Research into the recovery speed of the core muscle group proves it increases by 20%-25%. This reduces muscle soreness significantly.
Core muscles directly impact one's stability. According to comparative data from the Sports Medicine Institute, after the massager has been used to further enhance stability and control in training for growth of the muscles, the balance test scores improve by about 18%.
In particular, application of the massager after abdominal muscles training enables abdominal muscles to recover much faster and avoid pain and fatigue caused by muscle tension. The result of muscle recovery after abdominal massage is 12%-15% higher compared to athletes who did not apply a massager.
Role of Blood Circulation in Muscle Growth
This is because the percussion massager acts to enhance local blood circulation, hence nutritionally feeding the recovering muscles. Blood circulation supports muscle growth mainly indirectly.
Exercise physiology and metabolism studies have shown that the oxygen saturation in the local muscles can be increased by around 8%-10% after use of the massager, which allows muscle fibers to be well-oxygenated to an extent that protein synthesis is stimulated and accelerates the repair process.
It will hasten the metabolic rate of waste, especially after high-intensity training. It encourages blood flow that will mobilize the toxic lactic acid and all the other metabolic by-products quickly. Data recorded from sports science experiments records decreased lactic acid concentration by about 25%-30% after use, hence greatly shortening recovery time.
Muscle metabolism research experiments indicated that capillary blood flow speed increased by about 15%-20% with a percussion massager, which is important for the repair of muscle micro-damage and can further promote muscle growth.
Percussion Massage Effect on Flexibility
Percussion massagers can help improve muscle flexibility and joint mobility, something very important for reducing the injury risk and enhancing the effectiveness of muscle growth training.
Muscle flexibility studies prove that after using a percussion massager for 10 minutes, muscle flexibility can be increased by 7%-10%. This is highly significant for great leg and back muscle groups, which helps in compound exercises such as squats and deadlifts.
Joint mobility may increase by about 12-15% due to the vibration of the , helping prevent injuries caused by muscle stiffness during training, records The Sports Journal.
After deep massage, it reduces a lot in muscle stiffness, enhancing the fluency of movement. Flexibility and Muscle Growth Research has shown that after one week of repeated use of a massager, muscle stiffness is reduced by 20%-25%, making it especially suitable for high-frequency trainers.
Safe Use Recommendations
Although percussion massagers have considerable benefits in muscle growth and recovery, safe use is highly essential to avoid unnecessary injuries.
Specific Recommendations Include
How often to use: within 10-15 minutes after each training, avoiding excessive use. Control the frequency in a week not exceeding 3-4 times to avoid interference with the normal repair cycle of muscles.
Appropriate adjustment in the intensity of use: low for beginners, gradually higher to medium. Avoid pointing directly at the joints, as too much vibration could cause damage to the joints.
Focus on Specific Muscle Groups: Large muscle groups such as legs, thighs, and back can be massaged in high-frequency mode; in the case of small muscle groups like shoulders and arms, use is strictly to be made in low-frequency mode to avoid muscle fatigue.
Operating on Injury Sites Should Be Avoided: It should not be applied in cases of muscle strain, sprain, or inflammation because using it will aggravate the injury.
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